What are All of the Different Cost Factors to Consider

What are the Cost Factors to Consider

The size of the house is not the only factor that influences the average cost to paint a house.

What are the Cost Factors to Consider

There are other important aspects that can increase or decrease the price, such as:

  • The amount of preparation needed. If your interior walls require a lot of work, such as caulking, filling, sanding or plaster repair, before painting, that will add to the time and labour costs.
  • The number of furniture items. If you have to move or remove a lot of furniture before starting the interior painting project, that will also take more time and effort.
  • The colour change. If you want to switch from a dark to a light colour, or vice versa, you may need more coats of paint to achieve the desired result.
  • The number of rooms and colours. If you are painting a 2000-square-foot house with multiple rooms and different colours, that will affect the price as well.
  • The quality of the previous paint. If the painters have to cover low-quality paint with high-quality paint, that will require more time and money too. 
  • What are the Cost Factors to Consider
  • Painted Bull